BioTrack Product Database


Transformation Event757
Trade NameBollgard ™ insect protected cotton
Organism Common NamesCotton
Organism Scientific NamesGossypium
Centre of Origin and DiversityBiology Consensus Document on Cotton
Food and Feed Safety IssuesCompositional considerations for Cotton
Methods for safe handling
Additional Information
TraitsResistance to Kanamycin,
Resistance to Lepidoptera
neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II)

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
December 07, 2000FoodFood Standards Australia New ZealandA341

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
May 27, 1996FeedCanadian Food Inspection Agency - Animal Feed DivisionDD96-14
November 08, 1996FoodHealth Canada - GM Foods and Other Novel FoodsFD/OFB-096-100-C

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
June 13, 1997FeedMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
March 30, 2001FoodMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
March 25, 2005Importing and ProcessingMinistry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of the EnvironmentJP_D_757JP_A_757

New Zealand
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
December 07, 2001FoodFood Standards Australia New ZealandA341

United States of America
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
May 30, 1995Food and FeedFood and Drug Administration (USFDA)BNF13-89924BNF13-89924

Republic of Korea
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
December 10, 2004FeedRural Development Administration (RDA)
April 29, 2003FoodFood and Drug Administration (KFDA)
December 10, 2004ProcessingRural Development Administration (RDA)

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