BioTrack Product Database

Transformation EventGTSB77
Trade NameRoundup Ready
Organism Common NamesSugar Beet
Organism Scientific NamesBeta vulgaris
Centre of Origin and DiversityBiology Consensus Document on Sugar Beet
Food and Feed Safety IssuesCompositional considerations for Sugar B
Methods for safe handling
Additional Information
TraitsTolerance to Glyphosate
Genescp4 epsps,

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
May 09, 2002FoodFood Standards Australia New ZealandA378

New Zealand
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
November 14, 2002FoodFood Standards Australia New ZealandA378

United States of America
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
November 03, 1998Food and FeedFood and Drug Administration (USFDA)BNF56-1998