BioTrack Product Database

MON-87427-7 X MON-89Ø34-3 X SYN-IR162-4 X MON-87411-9
Transformation Event
Trade Name
ApplicantMonsanto Comercial S. de R.L de C. V.
Organism Common NamesMaize
Organism Scientific NamesZea mays
Centre of Origin and DiversityBiology Consensus Document on Maize
Food and Feed Safety IssuesCompositional considerations for Maize
Methods for safe handling
Additional Information
TraitsMale sterility,
Promoting of mannose metabolism,
Resistance to Coleoptera,
Resistance to insect,
Resistance to Lepidoptera,
Tolerance to Glyphosate

European Union
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
January 22, 2021Food and FeedEuropean CommissionEC268-2021EC144-2019

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
July 28, 2017unconfined useMinistry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of the Environment17-46P-0015JP_A_M87427xM89Ø34xSIR162xM87411

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
February 01, 2017food feed and processingThe Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk - COFEPRIS (Secretary of Health)MX No. 161

Republic of Korea
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
September 18, 2017FeedRural Development Administration (RDA)
July 24, 2017FoodMinistry of Food and Drug Safety

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
November 08, 2019Commercial ReleaseMinistry of Agriculture and LivestockPRY 277/2019Note: The approval covers also the commercial release of MON87427 and MON87411, and the intermediate combinations.

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
December 29, 2020CultivationInstituto Colombiano AgropecuarioCOL 82356

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
May 03, 2018Cultiv and Food and FeedMinistry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP)AR19-2018This approval covers all combinations of its parental lines