BioTrack Product Database

MON-ØØ863-5 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6
Transformation EventMON863 x MON810
Trade Name
Organism Common NamesMaize
Organism Scientific NamesZea mays
Centre of Origin and DiversityBiology Consensus Document on Maize
Food and Feed Safety IssuesCompositional considerations for Maize
Methods for safe handling
Additional Information
TraitsResistance to Coleoptera,
Resistance to Kanamycin,
Resistance to Lepidoptera
neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II)

European Union
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
March 02, 2010ProcessingEuropean CommissionEC-MON863xMON810EC-MON863xMON810-RA
March 02, 2010Food and FeedEuropean CommissionEC-MON863xMON810EC-MON863xMON810-RAMethod for detection:

Reference Material: ERM®-BF416 (for MON-ØØ863-5) and ERM®-BF413 (MON-ØØ81Ø-6) accessible via JRC, IRMM at

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
March 03, 2004FoodMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)

Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
August 01, 2006ProcessingThe Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk - COFEPRIS (Secretary of Health)
August 01, 2006Food and FeedThe Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk - COFEPRIS (Secretary of Health)

Republic of Korea
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
December 14, 2007FeedRural Development Administration (RDA)
March 05, 2004FoodFood and Drug Administration (KFDA)

South Africa
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
September 26, 2011Import as food and feedDepartment of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)